
Radio Theatre: The Screwtape Letters

Listening Time: 4 Hours, 12 Minutes

After we exhausted the archive of Odyssey episodes  we were left with a lot of dead air on our long treks...but not for long.
 We learned about additional radio theatre productions by Focus on the Family through our Adventures in Odyssey membership. In addition to a club-exclusive Odyssey episode, segments of these productions are made available monthly. 

Unfortunately, our current mileage surpasses an hour and a half of audio before the first pit stop, much less a month. Thankfully, entire albums are available on the iTunes Store. (Yes, I'm back with Apple for awhile. He still had all my old things in an archive. It's like we never split.) 

The first album we listened to was The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. If there's a way to fit more Lewis into my students' diets, you can bet I'm going to give it a try. 

I believe the dramatization format increased comprehension for younger listeners when contrasted with the audio recording of Screwtape by John Cleese that we had started a short time prior. Though I want to add that the Cleese reading is enjoyable and suggest you check it out over on YouTube

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